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Code of EthicsEach FAHRO member agency, its Executive Director or Chief Executive Officer, staff,
commissioners, as well as associate and life members will adhere to the following code of
professional ethics and hereby pledges to:
1. Serve my community, state, and nation through my support of the objectives of providing decent,
safe, and sanitary housing and a suitable living environment for every American family.
2. Pursue the most economical and efficient methods in the management of public programs toward the best interests of all citizens, particularly those of low and moderate income, in the spirit of
equal opportunity and regardless of race, creed, sex, age, or disability.
3. Perform responsibilities with the highest degree of integrity, professionalism, and ethical behavior to merit the respect of the beneficiaries of programs, elected officials, and the public.
4. Distinguish between personal convictions and professional duties, not allowing personal beliefs to interfere with the fair representation of our organization’s mission.
5. Seek and maintain an equitable, honorable, and cooperative association with fellow public housing and redevelopment officials and all others who are concerned with the proper and
professional management of public housing developments.
6. Be loyal to the housing authority and the people it serves, utilizing the limited resources available in the vigilant maintenance of its properties and the protection of its reputation.
7. Continually strive for personal and professional excellence, encouraging and supporting associates, commissioners, and staff in their professional development efforts.
8. Avoid any activities that conflict or give the appearance of conflict with official duties, not
accepting directly or indirectly any fee, rebate, commission, discount, gratuity, or other benefit
whether monetary or otherwise for the discharge of duties except an authorized established
salary, expenses and other benefits.
9. Exert due diligence for the protection of any housing authority funds and property from theft, damage, or fraud, and maintain accurate accounting records to insure against such losses.
10. Maintain discretion in disclosing confidential information concerning the personal and business affairs of the housing authority and the people it serves without prior written permissions, except
when properly and legally required to do so by a governmental authority.
11. Treat clients, co-workers and other colleagues and partners with respect, fairness and in good
faith, advocating conditions of employment that safeguard their individual rights and welfare.